Here are what some of the users of the 2024 MLB product at had to say at the end of their fantasy seasons. SFan — Ray, everyone has already said what I wanted to say so I’ll keep this short. Thanks for your input and writings on FG and discord, this was my first
MLB Testimonials
Not everyone who used the product last year won their league, but even if they didn’t they had lots of success and felt good about how it all played out. Here are the unfiltered thoughts from many of you. Robert Colclasure@Ray Thanks for all your help this year, got me to a championship and I
Testimonials for the Fantasy Guru Product
Here are some of the responses we got last season. I wanted to say thanks to Ray, Vlad and the gang here for a great season. I had two firsts and a third this year including winning my first NFBC contest. I had long dominated my home leagues but really struggled with NFBC contests last