Hey FG Fam! As you all know by now, we have a private Discord chat server, that makes communicating much easier for everyone and gives you direct access to our FantasyGuru Staff as well as thousands of other FantasyGuru Members! For anyone new to Discord, or having trouble getting setup, please follow our step by step guide below, on how to get into our Discord server!

Step 1: The first thing you will need to do in order to join our Discord server is to have a Discord account! If you are already familiar with Discord, and have an existing Discord account, you can proceed to Step 3. If not, you will need to head over to https://discord.com/register and sign up for a free Discord account!

Step 2: Ok, once you have your Discord account setup, you will need to head over to your FantasyGuru dashboard Discord page here: https://www.fantasyguru.com/my-account/discord-chat/
Step 3: On your Discord dashboard page, you will see the following set of instructions (see image below). In the box labeled DISCORD USERNAME *, enter your Discord Username (or copy and paste) and then hit the “Save Discord Username” button:
*Make sure to save your Discord USERNAME and NOT your Discord DISPLAY NAME in the field on this page!

Step 4: Once you have entered and saved your Discord username, you will then see a blue button appear (Just like in the screenshot above in Step 3) that will say “Click to join Discord Server“. Once you see that button appear, all you then need to do is click on that button, which will open up Discord and take you to the #role-check channel on our Discord server.
Step 5: The final step is to get your roles assigned on the server so that you can see the different channels available to you based on your subscription type. You will do this by going to the #role-check channel (If you are not already there) and typing !join with a ! in front of the join. Please note, you MUST use an exclamation point, not an “i” or an “L” or any other character, as you will not have your roles assigned:

Step 6: Once you have completed the steps above, you should see our GuruBot respond with “Your roles have been setup. Enjoy!”, as shown in the screenshot below:

That’s it! Once you see the response from GuruBot saying your roles have been setup, you will then be able to see the private channels that you have access to on the left side of the site or app. Enjoy!
Although we try to make this process as simple as possible, we understand that sometimes there will be issues that prevent you from completing the steps above and getting your roles/access assigned to your account. Here are a few of the most frequent issues that we see and how to address them:
- Upon registering with Discord, if you receive a message saying that there is already an account with your email/info, or that you need to “Claim” your account, that usually means that you already have an account setup with your contact info, so you will need to setup a different account under a different email/phone, or simply use the “Forgot Password” link on the Discord page to retrieve your login information.
- Another common error we see is one where the GuruBot says that it cannot find your account or that you don’t have any roles to assign to your Discord account. If this happens, please go back to Step 2 and make sure that you have your Discord USERNAME saved and not your DISPLAY NAME. This is by far the most common mistake our members make when setting up their Discord account as the GuruBot cannot locate your account via your Display Name, it must be your Discord Username in order to work.
- The 2nd most common issue, that causes the same issue as above, is having an FantasyGuru membership that is no longer active or has expired. If you believe this may be the cause, please contact support@fantasyguru.com and we would be happy to check your account and make sure that you have an active subscription, or even upgrade you if needed!
- Lastly, any other issues that you experience with the Discord app itself, please go the following page to fill out a Support Ticket with Discord: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new