The preparation for the fantasy football season is well underway, and it’s time to get a jump start on the players we need to be drafting in IDP leagues.
Every IDP league is different. Between the starting lineups to the actual scoring system, it’s hard to find two leagues that are identical. I would love for IDP leagues to have a standard as we see with PPR leagues and Non-PPR leagues or passing touchdowns being worth four points or six.
However, that is not the case.
If you’re thinking about joining an IDP league or starting one up yourself, I would highly recommend it. We play fantasy football because we love watching the sport, so why wouldn’t we want to be invested in both sides of the ball?
Having an understanding of defensive players will only help you when it comes to making starting lineup decisions with your offensive-skilled players as you will be able to identify which teams struggle against the run or pass…