Vidal Brujan is a Ray. Bradley is hitting. Goodrum is running. Zunino really can’t hit. On the hill we highlight Cease, Davies, Fried, Kim, Minor, Muller, Ober, Sale and Carrasco. HITTINGBobby Bradley has 100 plate appearances this season. Keep up his current pace over 500 and he would go deep 40 times since he has
Ray’s Ramblings: What the Hell – Pitchers?
Last week I touched on a series of hitters and listed whether or not you should be holding or dropping them? This week, in this piece in fact, I will do the same thing expect I will be focused exclusively on the arms.Jake Arrieta has his best K-rate in four years. It is still only
Ray’s Ramblings: Mound Mavens, August 23rd
Hitters and pitchers are the word of the day. Which hitters have a nice little streak going? There in here. Which pitchers have something interesting to be said about them? Yep, in here too THE HITTERSElvis Andrus has a 10/25 season with a .282 batting average. He’s not back at the 2017 power levels –
Ray’s Ramblings: Mound Mavens August 7th
Chris Sale has stunk. Wait, is that a knee-jerk reaction, or one that is supported by the data? Ray Flowers will dig into it. Ray then breaks down arms Allard, Bassitt, Civale, Minor, Porcello, Samardzija and Turnbull. Which one of those arms should you be targeting, and which have question marks?IS CHRIS SALE WASHED UP?Someone