Barrels matter, and we are deep enough into the 2022 season that we can start to glean some serious information about how players are going offensively by looking at the measure, so let’s do that to see if we can try and determine where players are really sitting, no matter what their fantasy production looks
2021 Review: Barrel Rates
Hitting the baseball hard is ideal for an offensive performer. Not all hard-hit balls are the same though as they can be hit on the ground or in the air, so if we move to the next level we end up with a more directly focused type of batted ball – the barrel.WHAT IS A
Hitter Profile: No Strikeouts, High Barrel Rate
You can have success in the big leagues even if you swing and miss a lot. That said, players that do air condition fans at a high rate are more likely to slump than someone who makes consistent contact. Further, a higher contact rate obviously greatly enhances a player’s outlook in the batting average category.